Saturday, November 19, 2011

"A promise from Rye"

Back reads: "I wish your grandmother had known you...your hazel eyes...your strong will. Focused on the Atlantic...the sky...the canvas. We stand like two souls on a desert. The cold blowing across our faces...coats cradled around our bodies...canvases locked into easels. You’re 6...your grandfather’s grandson...your uncle’s nephew. I absolutely promise to keep encouraging learn from you. See your passion...your love for it. Definitely on the right path. Keep it going little buddy."

Saturday, November 12, 2011


48" x 48"

Completed 11/11/11: Back reads "I come here...all the time...imagining this is the place where all of the losses of my life are washed up. Maybe...if I keep coming back...eventually a figure will appear. Somewhere deep in the mist...growing larger as it gets near. I'll begin to make her out...her figure...her face...her eyes. I come here...all the time...hoping she will appear."